Monday, July 7, 2008

It Don't Apply Here

I overheard a conversation today by someone who has been here for over a year...and is entering the last term next term. This is the 4th term for this person. I garnered that he has never had any healthcare experience and that life before this was certainly different. He said something very interesting..."what I learned in life, doesn't apply here."


I have sensed an increasing anxiety here over the past few days. I'm not sure what it is, but with 50-60% of the grades still "out there" on tests #3 and #4 coming, I am starting to get a sense of that. But I've had some experience in life and have a mental scaffold to place this information in. I still have to study. I still have to spend time memorizing long lists of facts, but I "get" where it goes in the practice of medicine and surgery.

I realize and more each day, that having the scaffold is an amazing value and likely should be a prerequisite for medical school. Without that framework, one constantly asks themselves what is this about? In general, life does not prepare one for this experience of managing information and life. Is it any real wonder why many physicians become the way they are, because of this experience? I'm very lucky. What I learned in life, including my private life, did prepare me for this and does apply. In fact, it may be the fuel.