Thursday, May 1, 2008

An Ounce of Revenge

I've been ambushed twice in an effort to go to medical school. First was by a college counselor a few thousand years ago. She was very frank, seemingly honest and on my side. "You really should consider a different career other than medicine. This may not be for you." Frankly, at the time she was probably right. My grades weren't great, and I was not as impressive in person with my long hair, 70's persona and attitude. So I believed her and started down the yellow brick road of life to see what I could find.

What I found was another ambush, my wedding. I was literally applying to medical school at the time I met my then to be wife. I sidetracked it all for the vision of being a husband, provider, partner in life and father.  So much for that vision.

In the end, I've found motivation and excitement in doing what I should have done then and then, but now is good enough.  I'd love to find that counselor but she is likely dead and gone by now. She was ancient then. I may have that opportunity with the latter.