Monday, August 18, 2008

Weary, Excited

Weary Everyone looks so weary today. This morning I walked in on some folks that have been here in the study hall all night long. Today is the term #2 testing and they look haggard and really full supratentorially. I hope they do well. I think everyone is thinking about just getting this week over so they can head to where ever home is. I can't wait.

But I will miss "here" too. It's been a great first term and I sincerely appreciate this opportunity and my surroundings. Can't wait to start the next term and move yet another step closer to...the next step.

I met a new student on the beach yesterday. It seems a long time since we started, yet it has gone so quickly. Photo_080708_002His questions were the same as mine; His fears equal.  It brought back a lot of feelings that I've experienced over these past few months of renewal, and learning. I look back on them with great reverence, aw, and excitement for the future. As this term sunsets, a new one begins in about 3 weeks. (photo: The Caribbean "bay" at sunset, Saba in the distance, by me)