Friday, August 15, 2008

Open Mind, Open Heart

Survey Is Healthcare Reform on the Horizon? - A survey released last week by the Commonwealth Fund says the vast majority of Americans believe the nation’s healthcare system needs fundamental changes or a complete overhaul.


It is possible that as I emerge on the other end of my medical education that the system as I have known it for the past 20 odd years since graduating PA school, will be VERY different. Basing any future plans on my past experiences, while enabling and comfortable, is not prudent. It is imperative at this stage to open my mind and heart to the possibilities, and go into this venture without any preconceived notions, for as I operate from those notions, attitudes, beliefs and prejudices...I close doors.

This was really highlighted the other night in an open forum meeting with our Clinical Education Dean. That really opened my mind to the possibilities and totally trashed my notions of what it is I need to do to get to where I am going. Better than a plan is expectation of general success in the spotlight of an open mind and heart to fully recognize the opportunities when they arise. For to imagine what those opportunities will be, and worse, to hang hopes and dreams upon them, is a total waste of time.