Thursday, October 2, 2008

Emotions For Life Change

"It is only in difficult times that we can really see where we are." - Dharma

I read something today in between hereditary diseases and heart pump physiology by a life coach. It was a essay study on how certain emotions can charge your life,...fuel desire.  The emotions: disgust (enough is enough), decision (fork in the road...choose), desire (inside force triggered by outside ones), and resolve (the "I will" never give up part)...

Dreams are made of being disgusted at where you are at, making a decision to do something different and do something about it, the desire to make it happen and the resolve to not give up in the process...let it play out over the time required. Just the formula I need and have found for medical school and service to others on the other side.

"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for." — Allan K. Chalmers