Sunday, September 14, 2008


Biochemistry is a collection of individual chemicals and the actions and reactions of those chemicals in the body to create, support and maintain life. Ok, rather simple, but in essence what it's all about. So one of my esteemed colleagues relayed a very important reaction.

I've known for a long time that girls were "icky". When I was 7, I drew big "CP" on the back of my hand with pen so that the powers of "cootie protection" would be envelope me against the ickiness that girls are capable of. It worked for some time, but I believe that immunity wore off and I lost all value of "herd immunity" just before I proposed to my ex-wife.

The chemical equation is simple.

Step 1 of the reaction ->Girls = time x money (it is simply amazing how much time and money girls require; and in most cases there is no connectivity with successful bonding with them. Disulfide bonds in peptides are stronger). Time is a multiplication function of time and money.

Step 2: Everyone knows that time = money. This fact has been repeated to me regularly since birth. It must be knowledge (ex post facto).

Step 3: money x money = (money) squared; This is a simple math rule. Nothing fancy or contrived. So then girls = (money)2...girls = money squared

Step 4: "Money is the root of all evil." - This rule has been part of the knowledge of man since the book of Genesis. It is a law of nature, again, passed down thru the ages. Thus you can replace money with evil as appropriate in the equation. Then girls = (root of evil)2

Step 5: Solving for the right side of the equation,

girls = evil


The application of math, science, biology and biochemistry in one lesson. I've seen the light! I was right all along. I'm going down to the tattoo shop today and get that "CP" permanently engraved on the back of both hands. Oh, and I'm going to start walking around with crossed fingers and toes too. Can't be too careful.