Thursday, June 5, 2008

I Need Fries!

image I've had a craving all morning...Burger King fries. This is totally meaningless and is counter to my recent public health knowledge acquisition, but am craving fries. I have to admit that I have been known to slip my Expedition into the "drive thru" on occasion for a "fix" with a sloppy meal deal, burger, fries and soda. There is no such "fix" here on Statia and today, I feel like a good greasy edible with little or no nutritional value is exactly what I need after tests, and dealing with the obstructions in life. Fries usually help!  Compared to the pathogens that I am likely ingesting at the local eateries, the nutritional assault of greater than 30% saturated fats is likely easier for my body to take than the microbiological fauna that is Statia fast food.  For now, I will have to endure. God provides what she wants me to have. For now, it'll have to be fried plantains. Not quite the same, but it'll do.