Sunday, August 2, 2009

Quiet Weekend

Our perceptions about the world around us, and how we interact with the world, are filtered through the perspective of who we really are and what we thrive on. As I watch the sunset, sitting on my Caribe island, studying the depths of human physical illness, I've discovered (again) a tremendous pleasure that I can only enjoy when I am alone, therefore the desire to be with people or to run after things or position or title has vanished away by itself again, as I have been here.

More importantly I prefer it to anything else. It will be a challenge to reintegrate into the real world, and my recent brushes with the real world hasn't been too pleasant. Question: How do I combine my love for the healing arts, and contributing to the elimination of human suffering and creating more health while being true being alone and not running after things or positions? Is there such a position in medicine?

I remain open to the possibilities.
