Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Brain Cell Recovery Process in Progress

"Your brain has more than 100 billion cells, each connected to at least 20,000 other cells. The possible combinations are greater than the number of molecules in the known universe." - Brian Tracy

A little over a month since the board and I'm finally seeing the light at the end of my isolation, and brain cell recovery. I believe that cell # 99 billion, 756 millionth is waking as I write. This really has been a process of recovery, readying to dive into the next phase of this education process. Hope to have all the paperwork in shortly to officially move into clinical rotations and actually seeing patients again...or at least watching someone else see patients. That may be more the point. In this age of health care reform, it should be interesting for sure. Didn't have that element the last time I did this.

Hard to describe how lonely the process has been, particularly as I was systematically abandoned by everyone who is not blood or a classmate. My friends and family have been great, particularly in the past few months. But I guess it's not very fashionable being associated with a medical geek. And a geek, to be sure, I've been. But this repulsion of some seems to be a magnet for others. I can't tell you how many strange proposals, attempted fix ups, bizarre encounters I've had in the last few months. I've ignored or blow off them all. Likely future patients.

So I'm gradually moving into full brain cell and personality recovery and contemplating the move away from "here" to "there". My spawn continually reminds me that it's not that long before I'll be walking away from this process with my degree in hand and wondering why I thought it was so hard. She's right though. It won't be long. Just hope I survive with more of the billion brain cells than not.