Monday, November 24, 2008

Tough Times

The reality is that the financial crisis in the U.S. is not isolated. It is a world-wide problem. The effects on small universities and economies like islands is dramatic. While the cost of fuel goes down here too, the cost of everything else is rising. There is almost constant talk from locals about the cost of everything from electricity to food. I don't doubt my rent is going to go up in the near future. Food cost is out of control.

I think schools in general, but particularly small schools, are being hit the hardest. The cost of doing business in utilities, rent, taxes, salaries, benefits and the like is going up, Incomes are going down and there is little if any money available for loans. It's a crunch being felt by small medical schools too. I think this place almost shut down at one point, but we have been assured that we are ok for now. Evidence of cost cutting is everywhere and there is a renewed sense of getting thru the most difficult period that this school has experienced since inception. It's not over though.image

For the moment, it pays to just do the day to day, study diligently, focus on the end goal, and control those things I can...releasing the rest to the Gods (I choose Thor this month). Finals will be here soon, then a break to sort of recover...can't wait. For the moment, my attention is fixed on amino acid metabolism.