Friday, October 5, 2012

Git 'er dun!

I've had a bunch of moments over the past 5 years that seemed impossible. And once I get through it once or twice, seems to be nothing impossible at all. But the missing link in medical education is often the path from there to one is instructed, guided or led from impossible to accomplished.

And that my friends is the difference between a good education and a bad one; a good program and a bad one; a healthy training scenario and one filled with anxiety. Because in the end, we all want to do good and git er dun right. It's never a matter of someone wanting to screw up on purpose that I've seen.

With gentle guidance, direction, understandable objectives with failure and success paths understood and compassion nothing is impossible. With overbearing, angry, frustrated, information hoarding direction to "just do it" there is nothing but anxiety, and often, error. It's simple to see, very hard to change a culture that has "done it this way" forever. But then, that's why medicine is in the mess it is, filled with burnt out providers.