Friday, May 6, 2022


One of the foundational building blocks of a healthier world is consistently under attack: sexual and reproductive health and rights.

Sexual and reproductive health and rights are central to the health and well-being of patients and communities.
It reflects not only the ability to exercise rights related to sexuality and reproduction, but also the ability to make informed decisions and have full access to sexual and reproductive health services.
This includes access to safe abortion.

Each year, nearly 25 million unsafe abortions take place, representing just under half of all abortions worldwide.
As many as 25% of women and girls who undergo unsafe abortion are likely to develop temporary or lifelong physical and emotional health problems.

Lack of access to abortion does not lead to a decrease in abortion, it only increases the danger to people's health and lives.
Evidence suggests that whether or not it is legal, patients will seek ways to induce an abortion if necessary.
And in countries with highly restrictive abortion laws, the proportion of unsafe abortions is significantly higher, with profoundly harmful effects for its citizens.

What kind of world are we becoming when access to healthcare choices is restricted by a single viewpoint of non-medical voices?
We deserve "progress", not regression.