How gossip taints reality: So an edict came down via the school web site that the local government officials have started a crackdown on everyone to carry official papers at all times. Somehow that got translated to harassment by the government of students in the populace. Thursday and Friday of last week were filled with side discussions about it, with many wondering aloud about why the government would do that to a group of people (students), and the school, who make up such a large part of the economy of this island psuedo-nation. I have to admit I was almost convinced.
Reality: The island engaged an island wide program involving the police, the Lt. Governor's office, Immigration, airport security, the harbor, marine police and many other departments including the Dutch Navy (evident floating in the gone). The program had been in the works for many months, and was "long overdue" according to the chief of police talking on local cable access TV. The program was called "Zero Tolerance" and it is and
exercise periodically performed on what is termed "general controls" on the island including drugs, airport security, immigration paperwork, driver/vehicle paperwork etc. It has little to do with students beyond having our papers handy when stopped and being here legally beyond our admissions to school. We have to have permission to be here as students from the government. This recent effort and actions are likely the reason that some of our classmates were not permitted to return to the island as well.
In all fairness, we've been warned. And I have heeded the warnings. My papers are in order, and I carry them with me. I get "police action" to keep a preventive posture in the community since I used to be "one" in a previous life. So another rumor dispelled by fact and truth. I wonder how many of the "things" I've heard since I've been here are like that....the truth shrouded by opinion, immaturity, discomfort being on this island, stress, ego and pride. Another reason to just do what I need to do, when I need to do it.