It is the eve of the exam assault that will be tomorrow. I don't know if I'm ready, but I've run out of time, and brain space I think. Hopefully my subconscious will have free and open access to the deep recesses unavailable to my conscious mind and pick the right answers. One can dream. All this studying and thinking thoughts about readiness or not readiness has created a bunch of thoughts about the body mind connections. I've been fascinated by health and thoughts for a long time. I've always known that part of our healing profession is based on the thoughts we plant in our minds and how we think our way through things. Watching a woman survive nearly 3 years with cancer after a 6 month prognosis convinced me that the state of mind we are in can even help us survive longer than the body should permit. We hear a lot about detoxing our physical bodies today from all the chemicals, bad foods, bacteria, pesticides and stuff in our world. We know scientifically the connection between the toxins and ill health. Is it possible that our minds work in the same way? As we have and fill our minds with wrong thoughts, sad thoughts, angry thoughts, frustrated thoughts, hateful thoughts, fearful thoughts...everything categorized as "fight or flight" stressful thoughts...can they too be toxic? Beyond the illness in our spiritual and emotional life, is there a connection with the body thru our limbic, and autonomic nervous system? Many think so.
Proverbs 4:23, "Above all else guard your heart for it affects everything you do." Was that an ancient prescription for health? Is it possible that we need to detoxify our minds each day with good thoughts and rid ourselves of the bad ones. Letting go of anger, hurt, disappointment, low self esteem, negative words, negative thoughts, delusions, attitudes, beliefs, prejudices....really cleaning out...might it create a better container to grow health? I'd like to believe that that was a good thought. |