Sunday, May 3, 2009


image It's not Saturday Night Fever, or Dengue Hemorrhagic's Rock Fever. "Rock Fever" is a subtle combination of subjective and objective signs and symptoms that often are not truly experienced until you separate from the source of the fever...the island. Once the possibilities of drive thru burgers, steaks of known origin, and other such comforts take hold, the true nature of the fever becomes apparent. I miss access.


It's not really the getting that is so important, but the knowledge that access is possible is often enough. I walk thru Costco near home, and I understand that the possibility of buying and devouring one of those wonderful cakes is possible. The mere possibility is better than the eating, digesting and the effects of the high blood sugar to follow (well maybe not completely better).

Access is a quality of life that is universally experienced at some level by all free people. Access is only denied to those incarcerated by the judiciary or by the geographical situation they find themselves. The latter contributes to the disease of Rock Fever.

Burrito So I drive thru where I might not drive thru otherwise, and stuff my self with the Taco Bell knowledge that soon again I won't be able to do so. My fever will then return, and I'll be immersed in the near end of my time on the of the most wonderful experiences of my life. And I can't wait to get back and get started again.