Friday, May 15, 2009

And on we go

Up the river I course like Blue Man...


It's really strange seeing people who I know getting ready to leave school and move into the world or the next "step". They seem to be everywhere here, hanging out with little to do except study for the big exams coming. That will be me soon, but I don't think I'm ready. But on we go...

It's been a typical start this term. Shaking the cobwebs of the lazy break attitude and getting into the swing of studying again this weekend will be the first hurdle. It's already building to volume that I know are challenging to many, but I still hear things I "know", or at least vaguely remember, from my practice and former education. Amazing how some things stick.

Yet too, I am continually amazed at how much I don't know, never learned or did by menu or guideline instead of understanding the real "why". Such is the more technical education of my past. I don't think I put anyone in danger, but the "oh wow's" seem to come with greater frequency...or am I just paying more attention? I don't know but I'm loving this part of the learning.

I have to admit that learning at this stage is simply moreimage economical, efficient, and profound. I'm more ready to learn and more excited about learning, than ever before. I never got this excited about my education in education. I walk out of class now and feel energized, jolted into what can be, what will be...and that is just a pure, unadulterated rush. One that I'm sure many, many cannot, will not ever feel in their lives. Poor souls.