Monday, May 18, 2009

Deliberate Though and Creation

Sometimes life feels like a train wreck.


But from the ashes often arises great knowledge.  If you don't go willingly, away from the tracks, life experience and education beats you into a good way. It's actually a pleasant surprise once you recognize that the "change" and growth is both beneficial and welcomed. At the terminal stages of this process, you begin to recognize and develop abilities to handle life factors slightly better than before. I've seen that reflected in the many students and faculty around me over the past year. The most successful appear to be those who can think specifically and deliberately , communicate that thought to themselves and others, and create a different reality for themselves and those around them.  They have become "authors" of their lives.

But to create something in the physical world, it is imperative to create the idea in your mind. Those people who best contribute to the whole in this microcosm of school, have the ability to create the reality in their mind first, they effectively create whatever it is they are thinking in the world around them. This deliberate thinking becomes the tool to create the physical reality, because to create something in the physical world you first must create an idea in the mind...getting the mind "right" or thinking straight about that thing.

But thinking straight isn't a right wrong thing. It's not about thinking in alignment with others, or consistent with any dogma or belief system. It's merely making decision in creating our reality on what is the best thing for everyone involved, conducive to peace, consistent with empathy and identifying the humanness in those around us in which we slog thru life. Thinking straight maybe making decision even when risky given the current state of affairs in the "apparent" world.

I understand that not "thinking straight" and making wrong decisions leads to failure. Those thoughts are usually not "created", not made; We just manage to fall in to them because of our laziness and willingness to fall into the thoughts of others or circumstances around us. If thinking is straight the chances of making wrong decisions are greatly reduced. Deliberate, straight thinking is thought we actually and specifically create.

Deliberate, straight thinking is not about memory and creating thought from our experiences and past. It is not about thought created of our fears of the future. It is about the deliberate creation of though based on our best selves, greatest wants for the greatest number of people, and our yearning to be more directing of our lives. It is about becoming the source of our thoughts and thus our lives.

When you are the "source" you are creating thought. It doesn't have to be original or profound except to you. The only rule, it must be you creating the thought. Once you start this process, you remove yourself from the world working on you and your thoughts and you begin to work on the world with your become the source.

You can originate a thought that is neither a response nor a reaction to anything that has happened or gone before. Deliberate thinking, like any ability, improves with practice. It has been the goal of various meditative practices for years.

If you think you're beaten, you are.
If you think you dare not, you don't.
If you like to win, but think you can't,
It is almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow's will.
It's all a state of mind.
If you think you're outclassed, you are.
You've got to think high to rise.
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later the man who wins
Is the man who thinks he can.

So how do we tackle this thinking problem and straighten it out? How do you get your thinking straight?  We are all capable of deliberate thinking, and source awareness. When we step out of our ego (brain based, emotional, indoctrinated by others, physical perceptions, imitation, survival) we can move steadily toward the creation of though deliberately, and being more of the source in our lives...generate creation in the physical world.

Start small. "I feel the best I've ever felt." Work up. I am going to be a competent, confident, versatile physician.