We are endowed by our creator with certain in alienable rights. Among there are life, liberty and the pursuit of being able to wear anything we want during Summerfest Carnivale. And so it was. Everyone brought out their most visual frockages for the last parade, marking the near end of this festival season on Statia. It was hot. It was loud. The beat was strictly for hip movement and "jumping". And now, it is OVER...at least for another year. I found it difficult to study in the silence, without the music in the background. One of the utility truck's carrying more speakers than band set up right outside my apartment. But study I must.
End of Summerfest brings the start of the last push for finals. Looks like histology is actually going to finish new content early and then actually do a final exam test prep for the last week or so. That is a great relief. Anatomy will consume most of my time between now and then with all of the pelvis, genitalia (male and female), and head and neck with all the intricacies. I am reminded of the 8 hour "face-ectomies" I first assisted in back in Daytona Beach, with all the nervous structures to preserve while dissecting out massive tumors in tobacco smokers and chewers. "Pinch and cut, pinch and cut"...long hours working in a 6 inch and 6 inch space. Dr. S was a great surgeon though. You'd think I'd remember all that anatomy then.
Yesterday I plotted my strategy and tried to find a psychological worm-hole to the end. Day by day...it'll be over very soon. Oh, did I fail to mention public health? Today was the review for the last exam. My only saving grace is that they noted that the performance on this exam was the worst they had ever seen on any previous exam in 6 years. I'm comforted. I've got my study-game-face on. Finals here we come!!