We are so, so spoiled with convenience in the states. For a driver's license in Florida: Go online to the State web site for driver's licenses, enter DL number and identifying information, enter payment information, click enter....find DL in mailbox in about a week. Contrast....
Statia: First, go buy official letterhead stationary from the tax office and write a letter to the Lt. Governor of Statia for permission to obtain a driver's license. Wait two weeks for a reply (per instruction), but none comes. They don't reply. Permission is forwarded to the Police Department and sits there until they call you, or you make the calls yourself (after 2 calls to find out who to call). APPROVED for application. Go to tax office window #1 to purchase medical clearance form. Stop by window #2 to purchase tax stamps for census office and police station. Stop by window #3 to purchase driver's test permit for each vehicle you want (motorcycle, car, ATV....each class requires separate one). Take medical form to hospital for physical exam
and signing of the medical form (and pray the doctor is in, and that the line isn't too long to see him). Take tax stamps to census office for official verification form to verify temporary resident status. Get two passport photos. Take completed medical form, census verification letter, police "stamps", photos and evidence of testing fees paid to police station for processing. They'll call when the license is ready (I'm doubtful). 11 stops, 3 full weeks, and one of the hottest days of the year today to finalize the documents. Amazing. And I'm still not done or have my license in hand.