Sunday, June 15, 2008

Exams a Coming

There is a palpable crescendo of frenzy that is beginning to appear on campus. Exams are coming. Our anatomy lab exam is the first in a series of exams for us and all other students on campus. Testing "week" is essentially block testing...for everyone. And it's coming the end of this week. As was the case before the first block, there is an increase in activity at the study rooms during the late night and people seem to show up that I've never seen before. I know lots of people study at home, but with A/C, high speed Internet, few distractions, bathrooms and water the only thing lacking is food...and there is Chinese delivery for that in a pinch. You could actually live in the study rooms for the week, and some do. I've been tempted.

Anatomy lab will include the entire lower extremity (all muscles, bones, nerves, blood vessels and spaces. There is a significant amount of clinical testing possibilities here too. The dreaded lab exam is first (I hate these) and then the written exams will follow. Public health will cover 6 chapters of content, and histology another 8 lectures or so with lots of slide identification and practical application of micro anatomy. Example..what is this? (name the tissue) And then there is usually an application based question (how is it used, where is it in the body etc).


I'm sure that somebody in the class is thrilled with this knowledge (future pathologist) and I'm sure there is some question on the boards, but treating slides is about as exciting as watching grass grow to me. Although I have to admit, I'm enjoying learning that which I really did not know before. Amazing how you can practice medicine without this knowledge. It's not provided in PA school.

So it's been along day of setting the pace for the week. Lots of study to do before Friday and next weeks exams. I'm sure I'll be ready and have a plan already. BTW, during a short break today, we watched "Sicko" by Michael Moore (a presentation by one of the student organizations here).  I know that the movie is not without controversy, but after spending some time in the places represented, I must admit, practicing medicine in France, the UK or Canada is "romantic" and appealing to the person in me that hates the biz of medicine, ...but I'm not sure if it's really practical. Besides, my mother would hunt me down and kill me!

P.S. That is “Loose” Connective Tissue, the most widely distributed tissue in the body...It's in the skin, beneath the dermis, locations where epithelium connects to other tissues, orbit of the eye, underneath epithelial tissue of all body systems with external openings, mucus membranes (digestive, respiratory, reproductive, urinary system), and it surrounds blood vessels and nerves. Maybe I am ready for the exam?