Saturday, September 29, 2012


I slept in today for the first time in ages. I feel guilty for getting solid 7 hrs, and I shouldn't.

Sleep is an active process where the brain works to heal the body by producing hormones beneficial for repair and growth. 

This is also the time for the brain to consolidate memories of what we studied and learned that day. Rapid Eye Movement Sleep (REM Sleep), which happens in the last part of the night, appears to be associated with learning and memory. 

This all just reinforces the mantra that you should be getting eight hours of shut-eye if you want the full benefits of sleep. But those of us who are sleep deprived regularly and take care of patients know this full well and welcome days like today.

Residency doesn't appreciate, acknowledge or care about sleep. Imagine how efficient the system would run if academic medical institutions were filled with NON-sleep deprived people?