Saturday, April 4, 2009

Aye, Fame

You know you are getting old when your fave bands are being inducted into the Rock Hall of Fame. Two of my them are being inducted...Jeff Beck and Metallica. Ugh!

imageAs a new police recruit, I was assigned to Kevin, a senior training officer. Kevin was cool, calm and let me make mistakes to learn the craft of keeping the peace. He also introduced me to Metallica cruising the streets on those late midnight shifts or running radar sitting the median of the highway. We could just pick up a distance FM station from a neighboring state, high in the mountains. It was a treat and a great way to stay awake on those quiet nights. Thanks for introducing me to the rockingest band and some of the most fun air guitar sessions ever.

Oh ya, school....two more weeks until finals and break. I am ready for some U.S. food, drive thru, and chillaxin with family and friends. The courses haven't changed much. The painful transition of course instructors has just drifted into total powerless numbness. It just is what it is, and in the words of a physician friend of mine now in practice...just get thru this part to "pledge the fraternity" that is medicine. The daily struggle is more a daily drift wherever the river takes me. Too close to tip the boat. In the meantime, the diving has been AWESOME!

"All these words I don't just say, and nothing else matters..."