Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Break was way to short. It always is. But I think it was the best that could be expected given the time frame. Great time with family, friends, food and foolery. Mentally rejuvenated and 10 pounds heavier. Ready to tackle even the most challenging....WHAT? A test!? The first day of class, covering everything we have ever done since we started learning? Tell me you are kidding. Tell me where the ibuprofen is!

The new term brings new students, new hopes, new fears, new schedules, new rules, new faculty, new imageleadership, new money...you can just feel the "newness" ooze from every wallboard pore. It's the same old island; Nothing ever changes for the most part. But the attitude and environment on campus is palpably different. We just don't know what to expect, but are hopeful none the less. I am back. And dare I say, we are back.

I hope I passed the test today. It's going to be a long haul to that infamous Step 1. I can feel it getting closer. I can see the light...but then again, it could be that train coming at me I keep dreaming about.