Thursday, March 15, 2012

Humbled, again

What a great day of learning!!

It's difficult to go very far in medicine, and not encounter people who are way more smart; filled with retained information, facts and experiences. It seems to happen regularly for me, but sometimes it's just more profound than usual.

Such was the other day, standing at the X-ray box.  And imagewhile it's not really a "box" anymore (my grasp at historical anchors), the experience is no less profound. Maybe more so given the technology and "wow" factor.

But the impressive thing to me is that I'll never have those 20-30 years of experience that create profound insight into a craft. That daily slog through medical care, and moreover, dealing with the failures and complications, brings a level of knowledge and skill that cannot be duplicated any other way.


And when one person who has attained this pinnacle shares it with me (or pimps me), I am so, so humbled. And so sad that I there aren't enough days in my career left to attain that. I should have started earlier is the only answer, but "shoulda" doesn't really cover it enough.

In any endeavor in life, practicing the craft is everything to becoming truly facile with the information and application. It's true of fine furniture makers, and true of physicians. The practice is what it's all about. And the more you practice, the more you have to give.

Great knowledge is learned at the X-ray box...uh, I mean the triple screen, color, high definition PACS display unit with the IPad controller and animated 3-D integration technology.
